CHEQD NETWORK are building the trusted/authentic data economy. CHEQD NETWORK‘s solution enables new business models, where verifiable credentials are exchanged in a trusted, reusable, safer, and cheaper way. We're making it easier to create authentic data ecosystems through customisable commercial models and governance structures, all built upon a public permissionless network with a dedicated token for payment.
CHEQD Network Price Analysis
As of March 9 2025 CHEQD Network has a marketcap of $19,634,493.00.
This is 96.749% from its all time high of $0.71551.
In terms of its tokenomics, there's a total supply of 1,228,472,617 with 71.67% currently outstanding.
Keep in mind CHEQD Network has a fully diluted value of $27,397,574.00 which many investors might interpret as overvalued.
Of course, don’t trust price predictions alone, always check the Coinrotator token screener to follow the trending market.

Summarized in part by ChatGPT 4 and Claude