Plugin (PLI) is a decentralized Oracle Platform that provides cost effective solutions to any smart contract which runs on XinFin XDC Network Eco System. Plugin enables the smart contract to connect with the real-time world and the data that it receives from the data feed provider is trustable by maintaining high degree of security. Off-chain computation it does takes care of receiving feed from multiple provider and aggregates the same.
Plugin Price Analysis
As of December 21 2024 Plugin has a marketcap of $8.1M.
This is {{percentagefromath}} from its all time high of $0.972163.
In terms of its tokenomics, there's a total supply of 500M with 39% currently outstanding.
Keep in mind Plugin has a fully diluted value of $21M which many investors might interpret as overvalued.
Of course, don’t trust price predictions alone, always check the Coinrotator token screener to follow the trending market.
Summarized in part by ChatGPT 4 and Claude