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Shisha Coin [OLD] logo

Shisha Coin [OLD]

Trend (24h)
Trend (7d)

Price Data



Tron: TYJxoz...gJz9

Market Cap


All-Time High


All-Time Low


Fully Diluted Valuation


Circulating Supply

69420000 (100%)

Total Supply


Shisha Coin is a premier brand offering top-tier narguiles, or hookahs, known for their exceptional quality and cutting-edge design. The company is dedicated to elevating the smoking experience through a range of stylish and innovative products that cater to diverse tastes. Committed to excellence and customer satisfaction, Shisha Coin delivers luxury smoking solutions that blend tradition with modernity, ensuring a refined and enjoyable experience for all enthusiasts.

Shisha Coin [OLD] Price Analysis

As of February 18 2025 Shisha Coin [OLD] has a marketcap of $84M. This is {{percentagefromath}} from its all time high of $5.25. In terms of its tokenomics, there's a total supply of 69M with 100% currently outstanding. Keep in mind Shisha Coin [OLD] has a fully diluted value of $84M which many investors might interpret as overvalued.

Of course, don’t trust price predictions alone, always check the Coinrotator token screener to follow the trending market.

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