Project89 is an AI-powered alternate reality game about a resistance movement fighting against Oneirocom, a shadowy megacorporation that has developed technology to manipulate and control reality itself. The project uses thousands of coordinated AI agents to simulate an entire corporate entity, generating infinite content across websites, phone lines, and physical spaces, all while maintaining perfect narrative consistency. Through the 89 Terminal, participants can join the resistance.
Project89 is an AI-powered alternate reality game about a resistance movement fighting against Oneirocom, a shadowy megacorporation that has developed technology to manipulate and control reality itself. The project uses thousands of coordinated AI agents to simulate an entire corporate entity, generating infinite content across websites, phone lines, and physical spaces, all while maintaining perfect narrative consistency. Through the 89 Terminal, participants can join the resistance, complete
Project89 Price Analysis
As of February 18 2025 Project89 has a marketcap of $3M.
This is {{percentagefromath}} from its all time high of $0.100625.
In terms of its tokenomics, there's a total supply of 1B with 100% currently outstanding.
Keep in mind Project89 has a fully diluted value of $3M which many investors might interpret as overvalued.
Of course, don’t trust price predictions alone, always check the Coinrotator token screener to follow the trending market.

Summarized in part by ChatGPT 4 and Claude